Raspberry Pi GPIO Tutorial RGB Led + Button
In this tutorial we'll see how to change the color of an RGB LED using a button with our Raspberry PI GPIO and Python
In this tutorial we'll see how to change the color of an RGB LED using a button with our Raspberry PI GPIO and Python
In this tutorial we'll see how to manage a 7 LED display 5161AS Common Cathode with our Raspberry PI GPIO using Python
In this tutorial we'll see how to manage a button with our Raspberry PI GPIO using Python
In this tutorial we'll see how to manage an RGB LED with our Raspberry PI GPIO using Python
In this tutorial we'll see how to manage a LED to make it blink with our Raspberry PI GPIO using Python
In this tutorial we'll learn how to read, write and append to a file in Python.
How to convert a variable from string to datetime. Let's supose we some date like: Sep 13 2012 11:00PM If we need to convert this string into a datetime variable for example to store this date into our database in...
Hello, Today we're going to see how to get our external IP within a Python script One of the easiest ways is to use the websites that provides your external IP and use any library like urllib2 to read this page: def get_external_IP():
Django Middleware is very important, it's executed each time a connection appear in any direction, client to server or server to client, and can be very useful in different situations. If we're interested we can check the official documenta...
Sometimes ChoiceField can be useful in our models, one typical example for it is when you have for example different User profile types. If you need to add this kind of limited choices for an UserType ('admin', 'blog_manager', 'translator',...